Tag: #accountants

Capital Gains Tax 101: Basic Rules You Need to Know Blog Series

October 4, 2022

Introduction Learn the ins and outs of the capital gains tax, which you may owe if you sell stocks, your home, cryptocurrency, a stamp collection, and much more. Billionaire business owner Warren Buffett once famously commented that his secretary paid taxes at a higher rate than he did. Although there are surely many factors atRead more…

Understanding How the IRS Contacts Taxpayers – Avoid Scams and How to Know it’s Really the IRS Reaching Out

September 20, 2022

With continuing phone and in-person scams taking place across the country, the IRS wants to help you understand how and why agency representatives may contact you. In most instances, the IRS sends a letter or written notice to a taxpayer in advance, but not always. Depending on the situation, IRS employees may first call orRead more…

Back Up Your Data – The Invaluable Benefits of Remote Backups

September 6, 2022

The Importance of Backing Up Your Data Hardware failures. Natural disasters. Theft. User error. Your data isn’t safe! All of these things are notorious for claiming massive amounts of valuable data at any given time. Thankfully, your data can be protected from all of these threats with a backup and disaster recovery plan. One ofRead more…

1099-K Changes: How Will This Affect Your Side Hustle?

August 9, 2022

  There are many different variations of the 1099 form, but the 1099-K is a tax form that shows all the payments you received through a credit or debit card or some other electronic payment system (these are also known as “third-party payment settlement entities” or PSEs . . . Yeah, that’s a mouthful). Some ofRead more…

5 Ways to Prepare for a Recession

August 2, 2022

The signs seem to be pointing in one direction these days, so if you’re worried about being ready for a recession, consider taking these five measures. On paper, a recession is a fall in GDP for two consecutive quarters. Unfortunately, the actual GDP report lags the quarter-end by at least a month and is constantlyRead more…